Thank you so much to those who donated towards Christmas presents for the elderly at the nursing home and senior center and the children at the orphanage! A special thanks to our missionaries and volunteers who used their vacation time to purchase close to 100 gifts, wrap them, and hand them out. The smiles on the elderly and children’s faces made all the hard work worth it! Merry Christmas everyone! At the Orphanage At the Nursing Home
Francis & Andrea FrizelleAndrea & Francis Frizelle Andrea Lopez was born and raised in Puerto Barrios, the third child to a Pastor & Teacher. Having tested out job opportunities including teaching, medicine, and social work, she heard God calling her to missions and to do the Discipleship Training School (DTS) offered by Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Guatemala City in 2010. From there she went on to serve in local missions with Ministerios Casa Verde back in Puerto Barrios. Francis Frizelle grew up in England and worked for British Youth for Christ for three years upon turning 18, then going to University to study Psychology. After this he joined a missions program called the World Race which visits 11 countries in 11 months – month nine was in Guatemala and his team was based with Casa Verde in Puerto Barrios. Francis & Andrea worked closely during that month and a friendship quickly developed. Following that time they started a relationship and Andrea went to work with YWAM Holmsted Manor in the South of England, whilst Francis returned to University not too far from there to train as a teacher. During that year they got engaged and married in England at the end of it, feeling a joint call to give their lives to missions. After a second ceremony in Guatemala they returned to working with Casa Verde for a number of months before going to YWAM Antigua (closer to Guatemala City) to do the DTS offered there together. From there they followed God’s direction and went out to work in missions with YWAM Penang in Malaysia, where they stayed for three years and during which time they had their first child, Charlotte, known as Charlie. At the end of this time they returned to Guatemala for the birth of their second child, Jonathan, known as JJ, and went back to Antigua to join the staff of the YWAM base there. They have now finished their two year commitment to that base and have felt God call them to return to missions in Puerto Barrios, a place God keeps bringing them back to to serve in in missions, and a place strongly on their hearts. They are excited to get involved in the work that Pure Joy is doing and to find out how they can best use the skills and abilities God has developed in them during their time in missions so far to help Pure Joy continue to grow into the fullness of what God has called it to be and do as a light to those in Puerto Barrios.
"On Mondays in Club Exploradores, I am a teacher of the youngest age group. My hope and prayer is that God would give us the wisdom to sow the seed of the word of God in the children and that they would have faith in the power of prayer. Whenever we know that one of them is sick, I invite them to pray together for them. One day, I was overjoyed when one of the girls approached me and asked me to pray for my little sister because she is sick. I am thankful that the boys and girls put their trust in God through prayer. I pray to God that this seed may grow in their hearts as His Word says." -Yeni
I have seen the hand of God working in the life of Don Jorgito in the nursing home. He was very sick a few months ago and was unable to eat do anything by himself, but I have seen how He has been improving every day. He can already move his hands a little and eat himself. We still need to continue praying for his health since the previous Tuesday his blood pressure was not good and he did not have the strength to continue walking. We need to continue praying for Don Jorgito. –Ana
November 2024
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