“Girls, why is there water leaking out of the bathroom door, AGAIN?” I say out loud for what seems like the hundredth time in the last fifteen hours the girls have been here. The girls, yet again, didn’t close the shower curtain, or they rung out their hair outside of the shower. I become frustrated. I have no more dry towels. How in the world am I going to clean this mess up? They should know better. And then I stop myself. Should know better?
No Kathy, they shouldn’t, I think to myself. Unlike you and me, taking a shower in a bathroom with an actual shower is something these girls have rarely if ever done. This is a huge treat for them. Water in abundance. Water they didn’t have to go get. Water that is clear and clean. This is something that they don’t experience. And in my frustration of trying to keep the water from filling my room, I lose that joy. I lose the simple pure joy that they are feeling. How often do we do that? How often are we so focused looking down at the water on the floor that we forget to look up and see the joy that God has so freely given us and the people around us. Water in abundance. Joy in abundance. Let’s not forget to look up and see the joy our Father wants to give us!
November 2024
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