We're now coming to the end of the first month of the tutoring program and are pleased with how everything has been going so far. The groups are a bit different this year - a bit bigger and we have 5 instead of 4 of them, as our intake has increased once more to a total of 40 students! Half of these are those who have carried on from last year and half of them are new students, and we are sharing about two of them each week on our profiles (Facebook, Instagram) We started off the year with a devotional about health and briefly considered different areas - physical, mental, emotional, social, and most importantly spiritual, taking time to encourage them to have regular time in the Word, in prayer, in worship and in fellowship. We are also following our regular devotional pattern whereby some weeks focus on a worship time, others on Bible reading, others on prayer, and others teaching them. As it's still near the start of the year the teens haven't had too much work brought along with them yet, but that will likely pick up soon as the year advances. Please be praying for them as they work through their tasks and research, to do the best they can do and get the highest grades they can in each of their classes. And pray, of course, that they would grow as disciples during this year as we seek to share with them more of the gospel of the Kingdom of God as the months go by.
We're thrilled to be able to announce that for the first time since the pandemic started we have finally been able to start up our kids club once more! We placed this poster at the school we host the club at and also let the teens from Project VALOR know that their younger siblings were once again able to come along. As a result, we were pleased to have just shy of 40 kids come along yesterday for the grand re-opening of the club! It went well, technical difficulties notwithstanding (the battery of the speaker we brought with us died after about 10 minutes of use - halfway through one of the action songs we were singing with them!) and we were pleased to be able to lead songs, games, crafts, and a message, and also give everyone some refreshments. Wendy led a reflection on how Jesus taught his disciples not to worry about tomorrow but to seek first God's kingdom. The rest of us played the roles of Jesus and the disciples as he talked about the birds of the air and the flowers of the fields All in all it was a great start to the year and we are excited for the weeks to come!
November 2024
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