By Debbie Jacobs
A poem describing her time in Guatemala Como escribir, como escribir The things that I have seen Wendy’s sitting in the dump but her smile is serene José Manuel is holding fast to my little sister’s arms She wants nothing more than to keep him safe from harm And Joseph wants me to look at his notebook, he’s so proud to show this gringa stranger what he can do when he’s allowed The boy with the long name that starts with “A” sits cross-legged on the hospital bed He can’t walk and has no chair Mom carries him instead Oliver works harder than all of us with the wheelbarrow that’s mostly broke His smile is the sweetest I’ve ever seen I wish I could take him home Como escribir, como escribir The things that I have heard “En serio?” “Lo siento!” And the preaching of God’s Word “Christo es me superhero” “Cuchara, tenedor” “The Kingdom of God is like a seed” “This is a spiritual war” Como escribir, como escribir The food that I did taste Beans, tortillas, rice, and spaghetti Leave none of it to waste Choco bananas and piñas Sarita’s, Sorbys, and Chiky’s too Como escribir, como escribir All the things I smelled Team body odor in the panel van Sometimes it’s best to breathe through your mouth The dump, of course, is something that I simply can’t describe Take your stinky garbage can Multiply by a thousand and five Como escribir, como escribir, About the sense of touch Because, out of all of them, this one matters so much. The laying on of hands as we pray Korean-style The sweet goodness in your arms As you hold a tiny child Abrazos y besos and grubby high-fives from friends, family, and strangers too Are more a blessing to me than they could possiby be to you You held my hands, you touched my heart Siempre, when I’m there The Lord our God reminds me That every tear is a prayer.
November 2024
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