I met Rosaura at the senior center earlier this year. Most people would describe Rosaura as the “Debbie Downer” or “Negative Nancy” of the bunch. She was almost always by herself, said negative comments every chance she had, and was physically distraught every time someone around her was joyful. She was depressed, alone, and felt forgotten by her family. I always pray that God would burden my heart for what breaks his, and at the senior center, this was Rosaura. The first conversation I had with Rosaura wasn’t very pleasant. I tried to learn about her life, but she was easily irritated and whenever I asked her to repeat herself, she yelled. This would normally cause me to get upset, but God had poured so much love and grace in my cup to share with Rosaura. In the following weeks, I continued to build a relationship with Rosaura, learned more about her life, and began to understand the decades of hurt that were built up inside of her. Rosaura was broken and God longed to heal her and bring her his joy. As the weeks past, Rosaura and I became closer— crying tears of joy and pain together. As she opened up, God began to restore some of her brokenness with joy. The life of Rosaura was such a reminder to me that God never stops pursuing his lost sheep. There is a lot of restoration that still needs to happen in the heart of Rosaura, but if God sent a 23 year-old girl from Pennsylvania to show her some of his love, I have no doubt He will continue to move mountains to show her his love for her. As I said goodbye to her during my last visit in September, she said several times, remember to pray for me. Pray with me that Rosaura continues to feel God’s presence and love in her life.
November 2024
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