It's proving to be a busy year for our team so far with ministry all in full swing, but we are pleased to be involved in all the different areas that we have been working in. We've been glad to continue to be able to go into the two elderly care homes that we are connected with here - the Catholic run home on 22nd Street, and the home run by the Evangelical group 'Ministerios Dios Es Fiel' (God is Faithful Ministries). As usual, we aim to take in both physical and spiritual refreshment - we bring along snacks and drinks of some kind (alternating between things like sandwiches, fruit, and the occasional cake, and some fruit juice) and come ready to share something from the Word. Wendy & Yeni always lead a time of singing choruses with the residents and have a large number of songs to choose from, almost all of which the majority of residents know and sing along too, or clap along to if they don't know it or can't sing.
One of the team will have prepared a devotional message to share with everyone - perhaps from a Psalm, or something from one of the Gospels or Epistles - to encourage them to lean on God in all they do and recently Francis has been sharing a worship song on guitar.
November 2024
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