Dear Sweet Yajaira, Today, I held you for the first time. You greeted me in the most cordial way a baby could- by peeing on me! :) It’s ok though, Mommy and I laughed about it. Although today was the first time I held you, I feel like I have known you for much longer. For months, your mommy and I have prayed for you. And it wasn’t just us praying. A lot of people were praying for you—most of whom you will never know. Your life was covered in prayer before you even entered into this world. I first want to talk about your mommy. She is a strong woman. Don’t let her or anyone else tell you otherwise. When you were still in your mommy’s belly, she worked every day in the hot sun at the garbage dump in order to buy food to feed both you and herself. Life has dealt her a difficult hand, but God will get her through it, just like He will get you through it. When you get old enough, I pray that you can encourage your mom to be the best she can be. I pray that she realizes her worth in Christ, and I pray that you both realize you are loved and adored by the King of Kings. Now onto you, sweet Yajaira. You, at less than a month old, have already gone through your fair share of trials. Now, you don’t have your mother as a covering of protection anymore. You are experiencing things you never experienced before; bug bites, nagging flies, contaminated air, filth, and hunger. My heart hurts to know your first days have had so many trials. I wish I could just pick you up and take you home with me. But I have hope, Yajaira. Today as I was praying for you, I prayed that God would put a protective shield around you. I prayed that as people come encounter with you, they would know you are different, they would know you are blessed. I prayed that in the midst of disease and hatred, you would be safe and loved. As I was praying, I saw angels protecting you from attack. I saw God’s shield covering you. I saw the love that Christ has for you. You are loved, Yajaira, and God will protect you. “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.” Psalm 91:11-12 It won’t always be easy. We live in a fallen world. You will face hardship, and you will face trials. I pray that you always go to our Father for healing, comfort, and restoration. “Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up. You will increase my honor and comfort me once more.” Psalm 71:20-21 “As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice. He rescues me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me. God, who is enthroned from of old, who does not change-- he will hear them and humble them, because they have no fear of God.” Psalm 55:16-19 I pray that you see God as your father, as your best friend, and as your lover. He adores you, Yajaira, and He wants to walk with you through this life, every day, every trial, every experience. He loves you. “And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.” Ephesians 3:18 I pray for opportunities for you. I pray that you are able to go to school. Education will help you make a better life for youself and for your family. Yajaira, you have so much potential. You can be a doctor, a teacher, a business woman, a missionary, a nurse, a social worker, a public official… anything, my dear!! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If they do, don’t listen to them! Remember who made you, for He can do anything. Keep your focus on Him and on completing your dreams. “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20 If anyone ever takes advantage of you or hurts you, don’t be afraid to share that with someone who can help. If I am not around, tell your mommy. If you can’t tell her, tell your teacher or someone you trust. Don’t be afraid of what will happen after, because remember, we serve a God who is all-powerful. “The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation.” Psalm 118:14 There is evil in this world, Yajaira. I wish there wasn’t, but there is. Stay away from people and things that distract you from God or that confuse you. The Devil will try to make his way into your life. “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:26-27 We don't have to worry though, because the Devil has no power over us. He cannot defeat God or overpower us. Darkness can never overcome the light. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” John 1:5 Yajaira, you are a light. You are a light to me and a light to your family. I don't know where I will be or where you will be as you grow up, but I do know that you will always be in my heart and my prayers. Remember you are never alone. You are loved, you are cherished, and you are beautiful. I love you, Kathy
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